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28.04.2017, 09:55

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Rabenclan's Pagan Webzine

Articles and essaies about Paganism and related areas.

Origin and consequences of the anti-Pagan attitude of the German establishment:

Nemenyi´s merits

It is a well-known fact that Heathens and Pagans face considerable difficulties in Germany. Everything even remotely connected with Paganism in general and any reference to Teutonic culture or history in particular is instantly identified with an ultra-right-wing political attitude or even Neo-Nazism of the vilest sort. (...) Nemenyi´s merits: as his version of "Teutonic culture" is both authoritarian and ridiculous, it causes damage in many ways. Teutonic history and culture are a common cultural heritage, the correct interpretation of which could do a lot to correct a dangerous, Rome-centered image of history. In this respect, Nemenyi´s pollution does more harm than just adding weight to the prejudices against Heathens and Pagans.

 (Hans Schumacher, August 2003) 

A dangerous "heathen" ideology:

Ariosophy - Overview

A number of last year's events showed that there is dangerous ignorance regarding this phenomenon. Even Antifa groups who deem themselves experts when it comes to racism and fascism tend to identify all representatives of pagan nature religions as backers for fascist demagogues to say the least. Within the "pagan scene" the Armanenorden is considered to be "a little bit rightist", the propaganda people of the Armanenblock still enjoy general sympathy and win hands down most of the time. Both tendencies support each other and serve the aims of the Armanenordens as I have shown elsewhere earlier on.

 (Hans Schumacher 1996, Translation: B. Kühne 2003) 

How a language group became a superior race:

The myth of the "Aryan tribe"

The fair-haired, blue-eyed Aryan settling in Northern Europe and being of superior status due to his genetically pure race was the product of many intellectual influences - and a result of an serious error in the early days of Indo-European Philology. (Sven Scholz, 1994)

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Bücherspiegel 2016
Neue englischsprachige Monografie über (neo-)germanisches Heidentum von Stefanie von Schnurbein erschienen. Der Rabenclan wird rund ein dutzend Mal erwähnt. Mehr Informationen hier.

Kulturhistorische Beiträge

Óskmejyar Teil 1 - Die Walküren in der Helgaquiða Hundingsbana I (von Hans Schuhmacher)
Thesen zur Germanischen Frau (von Hans Schuhmacher)
Die unbekannte Tradition: Slawisches Heidentum(von Anna Kühne)


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